Anne Maxwell LCSW RPT-S

Anne grew up in a bilingual home where "different" was neither right nor wrong. It was just different.

Prior to working with children and families directly, she worked in Washington, DC, in national politics. She successfully lobbied for the authorization of and funding for a $25 million primary prevention and early intervention program for at-risk mothers and their babies.

Eager to work with children and families, she changed direction from lobbying on behalf of kids and families to attending graduate school, so that she could become credentialed to work directly with them in a clinical capacity.

Following her graduation, she worked in a variety of settings, including a residential treatment center, inpatient psychiatric hospitals and outpatient clinics and practices.

In addition to her therapy practice, she has a life coaching practice, where she invites her clients to be more of who they already are, rather than who they think they need to be. Coaching includes single sessions as well as coaching journeys. All are designed to help people move from wherever they may feel stuck to possibilities they may not have known were available.

In addition, Anne teaches classes, facilitates workshops and speaks to groups of parents, teachers, and psychotherapists, who work with and/or on behalf of children.

"She's a little far outside the box. I don't know what it is that she does, but whatever it is, it works."

Pediatrician, Denver CO

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